terça-feira, 5 de novembro de 2019

in: https://flipboard.com/@rededebibli7k1a/cidadania-7jhvurqvy/teaching-about-refugees/a-0A1Le42pTx2ZK_AVaSwYlA%3Aa%3A2268207588-cb9f88028c%2Funhcr.org


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Teaching about refugees
With forced displacement reaching historic levels, schools all over the world are welcoming increasing numbers of refugee children. Teachers are facing new challenges in making sense of forced displacement and its complexities. Refugees and migrants regularly make headlines and the internet is bustling with information on the topic. Explaining the situation of refugees and migrants to primary and secondary school children has become part of many educators’ daily work.
In addition, training and guidance for teachers with refugees in their classrooms is not always based on best practice, and is not always easily available. 
On this UNHCR Teaching About Refugees page you can find free-of-charge and adaptable UNHCR teaching materials on refugees, asylum, migration and statelessness and a section dedicated to professional development and guidance for primary and secondary school teachers on including refugee children in their classes. Use and combine these materials as you see fit in your lessons about the topic.

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