terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2025

 in: https://www.edutopia.org/article/8-steps-making-feedback-more-effective?utm_content=linkpos1&utm_source=edu-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=weekly-2021-08-25-A

8 Steps to Making Feedback More Effective

A process that integrates peer and teacher feedback with periods of revision drives deeper learning for middle and high school students.

August 19, 2021
HIgh school teacher handing out graded papers
Maskot / Alamy

Feedback has the potential to have a powerful effect on student learning, and this year, with estimated student learning loss of four to five months for math and reading respectively, that impact will be more important than ever. In his meta-analysis of feedback studies, John Hattie emphasizes that it’s not how much feedback is given that matters—the feedback must be successfully received, processed, and applied. For students to benefit from feedback, they must have the opportunity to act on it.

Here’s a feedback scenario that plays out far too frequently: Students glance at their assignments, see the grade, and discard the work in the recycling bin, completely disregarding all the feedback I have dutifully written. Or they check the online grade portal without even looking at the feedback I annotated on their digital submissions.

James Nottingham, an education leader based in the United Kingdom, says there are seven steps to effective feedback. I’ve adapted his seven steps and added an eighth step that will lead to deeper learning while making teaching simpler and more rewarding. I’ve also created a brief video summary.


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