segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014
quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2014
How to Avoid Getting Addicted to Computer Games
Edited by Skython, Rob S, Ben Rubenstein, Maluniu and 19 others
Video game addiction can be very detrimental to one's health and social life. The following is a steps list detailing how to avoid becoming addicted, and how to un-addict yourself if you are already addicted.
Accept responsibility. The problem lies within the individual, not within the game. No attempt at beating 'addiction' can succeed until the individual accepts its existence. The problem is not the existence of video games, the content of games, but the person who chooses to play them.
Identify the impact. How many hours a day do you spend playing games? Do you normally go out on the weekend? When was the last time you read a book? Identifying the negative impacts of the addiction will help you focus on positive improvements and getting back the things that you really are missing.
Avoid blame. Blaming others for problems that you alone must face does not solve the problems. The 'gaming industry' or manufacturers are not the cause of this problem, and blaming them does not make the problem better. The vast, extreme majority of 'gamers' are healthy individuals, accepting responsibility is the first step.
Stay positive. While it is important to identify the negative aspects of the problem, it is also important to focus on the goal and progress that you have made.
Set Limits. If you decide that you have 1 hour per day to spend playing games, stick to that. Choose your games correctly! If you are playing a game that requires many hours of gameplay between saves or which is an open-ended game like many MMO's, you likely should consider a different game or different genre of games.
Active parental monitoring. You are the parent, and thus you are in control. If your children do not listen to you, removal of the game console or setting of administrative control on the computer may allow you to better handle the problem.
Look in your drawer of CDs. Are there more than 5 games that you have played in the last two months? Are these games open-ended (like Civilization, World of Warcraft, or Evil Genius)? This could be a warning sign.
Add up the total hours played per week. This includes time spent reading walkthroughs and watching videos and discussing games in real life. Always roundup! If this number is over 25, then there may be a problem.
Request that your parents put you on a strict time limit for computer playing.There are freeware programs available for download that can help with this. Playing hide-and-go-seek with your parents (hiding your games) is an effective way to minimize gaming overall.
Find something else to do. You know the statement "my anti-drug..." This statement is better phrased "my anti-addiction..." or "my anti-bad habit..." The best way to do this is to develop a variety of other things to do, with others.
quarta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2014
Já estão abertas as inscrições para o Campeonato Moodle de Língua Portuguesa.
Esta parceria entre as Bibliotecas da ESLA e o Departamento de Português levará ao apuramento dos 10 melhores alunos para disputarem uma final, na Biblioteca da ESLA, segundo o regulamento (já disponível).
Os prémios incluem vales FNAC de 30 euros, de 20 euros e de 10 euros, além de outros mais simbólicos. Todos os participantes recebem um certificado de presença!
Video Game Addiction
Video games are becoming increasingly complex, detailed, and compelling to a growing international audience of players. With better graphics, more realistic characters, and greater strategic challenges, it’s not surprising that some teens would rather play the latest video game than hang out with friends, play sports, or even watch television.
Of course, all gamers are not addicts – many teens can play video games a few hours a week, successfully balancing school activities, grades, friends, and family obligations. But for some, gaming has become an uncontrollable compulsion. Studies estimate that 10 percent to 15 percent of gamers exhibit signs that meet the World Health Organization’s criteria for addiction. Just like gambling and other compulsive behaviors, teens can become so enthralled in the fantasy world of gaming that they neglect their family, friends, work, and school.
If you or a loved one shows signs of computer or video game addiction, this website is for you. Here, you will find up-to-date information and resources that will help you assess whether gaming has gone from an entertaining pastime to a full-blown obsession. From signs and symptoms to advice for parents and treatment options, this site offers advice and solutions to help bring compulsive gamers back to real life.
What Makes a Video Game Addictive? Read more to find out...
Here are some symptoms of game addiction - the more of these symptoms you can identify, the greater the need to get professional help:
- Most non-school hours are spent on the computer or playing video games
- Falling asleep in school
- Falling behind with assignments
- Worsening grades
- Lying about computer or video game use
- Choosing to use the computer or play video games, rather than see friends
- Dropping out of other social groups (clubs or sports)
- Being irritable when not playing a video game or being on the computer
There also are physical symptoms that may point to addiction:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Sleep disturbances
- Backaches or neck aches
- Headaches
- Dry eyes
- Failure to eat regularly or neglecting personal hygiene
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